Healthy Diet Recommendations
For humans, the importance of balanced diet and selection of categories from the diet, as the appropriate level of protein, vitamins and fats, it is necessary to maintain a good healthy life. A healthy diet is going to maintain your health properly and provide the appropriate value of the ingredients that work and are resistant to antibodies. An unbalanced diet will increase fat in your body and cause many diseases. A healthy diet helps to reduce many chronic health risks such as obesity, hypertension, heart disease, diabetes and cancer. A healthy diet helps to consume adequate amounts of nutrients such as fats, vitamins, minerals, proteins and antibodies.
A healthy diet also helps maintain the proper amount of water inside the body. Different vegetables and fruits contain different amounts of these ingredients and if taken in adequate amounts, help maintain a healthy life well. There are different diet food and a healthy diet suggests that if you provide a level of balance of all the necessary ingredients and maintain the strength of the body. To support the energy needs of the body require different macronutrients such as calories, protein and vitamins and help to reduce the toxicity or gaining weight.
As regards healthy eating, Health (WHO) makes five recommendations regarding the health of individuals and the good life around the world. According to the suggestions of the WHO healthy diet, individuals must achieve a healthy weight and energy balance, limiting the amount of energy from saturated fats and try to use saturated fats, increase the level of consumption of vegetables and fruits, nuts and cereals. Try to limit the amount of sugar taken. Try using iodized salt and to limit the use of salt for the different resources that include not iodized salt. Some other important recommendations for good health remit, such as,
- Using a sufficient amount of amino acids, which provide sufficient replenishment and transport proteins required level.
- Using micronutrients such as minerals and vitamins.
- Avoid using heavy metals, which was the poison and the benzene which is carcinogenic
- Do not use food that is affected by germs, bacteria or virus attack tapeworm eggs.
Many organizations are working to promote the importance of a good healthy diet and how to cover the problem of balance in the diet world's underdeveloped countries, recommending the use of fruits, vegetables and healthy fats that your body's growth and increase resistance against antibodies.